Earlier works design, redesign,
patternmaking and sewing.

Creme maxidress in 100% silk. Mostly handsewn. Altered from a 50s pattern. Beautiful to wear. Find it in shop.

Finished outfit. An image from a dream that had to be made. Just beautiful fashion art or a dialogue around society, consumerism, fashion industry, medical industry, power, money and politics.

Just beautiful fashion art or a dialogue around society, consumerism, fashion industry, medical industry, power, money and politics.

This dress was in a terrible shape. For the sake of the beautiful fabric it was taken apart, and put together + added details to give shape and repair seams. Everything done by hand with silk and silk thread. Sort lang 30-tallskjole. Var miserabel og på grunn av stoffet ble den tatt fra hverandre, satt sammen igjen og gitt form, detaljer og forsterkning med silke og silketråd. Fantastisk å ha på og et syn for guder. Gallakjole, festkjole, den lille sorte.

Burgundy wool silk suit. Was a mess. Most of the sewing was done by hand. It is redone in the same manner. Reduced several sizes and given shape. Vinrød drakt i ull og silke. 40-tall. Var ganske ødelagt. Det tok dager å sy på perler der de var dårlig reparert eller manglet. Drakten er tatt inn noen størrelser og gitt bedre fasong.

This beautiful light dress has a lot of flowers sewn on by hand. Most seams are done by hand with silk thread and so are the repairs of seams and flowers. Tynn blå 40-talls silkekjole. Har mange blomster sydd på for hånd. Reparasjon av sømmer og blomster er gjort som før med silketråd og for hånd.

Mostly hand sewn white linen skirt with antique lace details. Suspender skirt in antique cotton. Håndsydd hvit linskjorte med antikke kniplinger. Skjørt i antikk bomull.

Dotted white blue 50-s suspender dress with full circle skirt. Printed cotton. Altered a 50-s pattern. Prikkete blå og hvit 50-tallskjole med seler og sirkelskjørt. Laget i bomull.

Blue, semi long velvet skirt draped on bias. Wonderful to wear. Blått langt fløyelsskjørt i silke. Foret. Nydelig å ha på.

Wrap skirt made out of a 30-dress embroidered with gold thread. Both machine and hand sewing. Silk tread and fabric. Sort omslagsskjørt i silke med gullbroderier. Laget av en 30-tallskjole. Håndsøm og maskinsøm i silke.

Halterneck dress in creamy, deliicious silk. Kremhvit halterneck kjole i silke crepe.

Halterneck silk dress and tweed + soft fleece together in a supersoft and comfy outfit. Cape i ull/fleece. Supermyk og komfortabel.

Long "Cabane" jacket in medium thick wool for man. Autumn/winter. Lang herrejakke ull vadmel høst/vinter.

Blue, thick wool swagger with silk lining.

Green wool coat with satin ribbons and silk lining. Soft and delicious. Detaljer fra grønn ullkåpe.

Green wool coat with silk lining and ribbon decor. Delicious and soft materials. Krave grønn ullkåpe med silkebånd.

Synthetic fur top. Trousers in blue wool crepe. Topp i syntetisk pels. Bukse i blå ullcrepe.

Details and belt change for vintage satin trench coat. Detaljer fra redesign. Sydd nytt belte, sydd om og skiftet knapper.

Example draping silk. Wedding dress. Sleves in silk organza. Eksempel drapering silke. Brudekjole. Ermer i silkeorganza.

Details from a remake and alteration size and finish. Detaljer fra omsøm og foring av sort omslagsskjørt.

Remake of old lurex dress. Changed shape, details and fitting. Redesign av gammel lurexkjole. Gjort om det meste.

Strengthened and repaired almost all seams and put in more fabric for fitting and shape to this dress from China. Styrket nesten alle sømmer. Satt i sidepaneler for å gi bedre passform til denne kjolen fra Kina.

Taffeta circle skirt in ocher yellow and dark blue silk top. Langt sirkelskjørt i okergul taft.

Silk dress with bolero in Spanish style. Party, ball or galla. Blomstret silkekjole og bolero. Fest, ball eller galla.

Wedding gown. Silk and wool duchesse. Waistcoat west, long skirt with tow and bolero. Brudekjole som består av skjørt med slep, vest som som en snippkjole bak og bolero. Silke og ull.

Fiona (Shrek) inspired wedding dress in stretchy crepe. Brudekjole Fiona Shrek-tema.

Black duchesse A-shape galla dress. Royal army galla, Oslo. Sort duchesse ballkjole A-form eller festkjole om du vil. Denne ble brukt på Gardeballet.

Almost finished work shirt. Work wear done with new design on a shirt used in centuries in Norway. This one is done in cotton. You can order it in standard sizes and several colours. Etter stor interesse lager vi nå busseruller i forskjellige farger og materialer. Denne er i bomull og manglet bare knapper da bildet ble tatt.

Order your own viking outfit, jacket, trousers, shirt or hood. We prefer to make the clothes realistic and by hand. The jacket made of spare fabric. Done by patterns from Norwegian finds. Wool. Wool trousers man from Thorsberg find pattern. Shirt in linen, basic viking pattern.

Order your own viking outfit, shirt og dress. We prefer to make the clothes realistic and by hand. The shirt made in nature linen, dress in wool cloth. Both by patterns based on Norwegian finds.

Order your own viking outfit, shirt og dress. We prefer to make the clothes realistic and by hand. This outfit made on order not fit to dummy. The shirt made of nature linen, dress in wool cloth. The voven ribbon was put on later. Both by patterns based on Norwegian finds.

Order your own viking outfit, shirt og dress. We prefer to make the clothes realistic and by hand. This outfit made on order not fit to dummy. The shirt made of nature linen, dress in wool cloth. The voven ribbon was put on later. Both by patterns based on Norwegian finds.

Alterations bunad or national costumes. Remake of clothes with beautiful fabrics or antique fabrics sewn to new designs. Redesign av plagg med flotte stoffer, nye plagg i antikke stoffer, eller omsøm av festdrakter, folkedrakter og bunader.

Wearable teddy bear in fish skin. Work on order from the artist Fabrice Hybert - Bergen Kunstmuseum. Vandrende teddybjørn i fiskeskinn laget på oppdrag fra Fabrice Hybert til utstilling Bergen Kunstmuseum.

Lace dress. Can be worn with same colour or contrast colour garment underneath. Crown: Silje Ryvænge. Photo: Tom Lund Sort fotsid blondekjole i ett stykke. Kan brukes med kontrastfarget tøy under som fin effekt.

Wool draped by square pieces of fabric. Egyptian inspired costume. Drapert firkantede biter av ullstoff til egyptisk inspirert kostyme. Crown: Silje Ryvænge Photo: Tom Lund Modellert ull og silke fra firkantede deler. Kostyme.